AMD Athlon 850

by Anand Lal Shimpi on February 14, 2000 12:00 PM EST

DesignReview (DRV-06) Viewset

Taken from

DesignReview is a 3D computer model review package specifically tailored for plant design models consisting of piping, equipment and structural elements such as I-beams, HVAC ducting, and electrical raceways. It allows flexible viewing and manipulation of the model for helping the design team visually track progress, identify interference, locate components, and facilitate project approvals by presenting clear presentations that technical and non-technical audiences can understand. There are 6 tests specified by the viewset that represent the most common operations performed by DesignReview.

The DesignReview viewset does reward the faster L2 cache of the Pentium III, however the Athlon still remains extremely competitive in spite of its 2/5 speed L2 cache. Once again, the 133A pulls ahead of the i820 platform because of the updated NVIDIA drivers as do the KX133 Athlon test beds.

There is no explanation for the extremely poor performance of the AMD 750 chipset in this test, but luckily the 750 is on its way out as KX133 based motherboards will be replacing their 750 based counterparts in the very near future. For current owners of AMD 750 based motherboards, an explanation from AMD would be the least AMD could do for their loyal customers.

Advanced Visualizer (AWadvs-03) Viewset Data Explorer (DX-05) Viewset
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