Preparing the Test

In order to isolate the memory modules as the only realistic causes of any fluctuation in stability, choosing the proper test bed was a bit of an ordeal, luckily AnandTech was aided in lab by the wonderful folks over at Kryotech who supplied AnandTech with a room temperature cooling system a week before the first stability tests were to commence. At the heart of AnandTech's SDRAM stability test bed was a Pentium II 333, capable of being reliably overclocked to 416MHz, running at room temperature with the aid of Kryotech's Renegade ATX-PE Room Temperature Cooler. The ambient case temperature of the Renegade test bed was kept at room temperature, or approximately 22 degrees Celsius, as was the surface temperature of the Pentium II processor.

The 333MHz Pentium II was chosen for its versatility in terms of clock multiplier support, as AnandTech's sample remained clock unlocked, and allowed for the usage of the 2.5x clock multiplier when testing higher FSB settings. In order to gain support for a wide variety of FSB frequencies, two motherboards were used as the basis for the test bed, the choice to use two motherboards came to make sure that there were no specific incompatibilities between the SDRAM being compared and a particular motherboard.

The entire test bed was configured as follows:

CPU Intel Pentium II 333
Motherboard ABIT BX6 Revision 2 & AOpen AX6BC
Video Matrox Millennium II PCI
Hard Disk Western Digital 5.1GB Caviar UltraATA
Operating System Microsoft Windows 98

The stability was evaluated according to the percentage of complete test runs (a complete test run is one that runs crash-free) the module managed to pass at each individual FSB frequency.  The tests consisted of AnandTech's stability tests, which were continuous trial runs of Business Winstone 99, each trial run requiring that all three parts of the test complete successfully before passing. 

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