SunBeam Technologies LAC-UVT Construction (cont'd)

Inside the LAC-UVT, there are four 5-1/4" drive bays as well as six 3-1/2" drive bays of which two are exposed. Drives can be mounted securely using the provided screws. We would have liked to see rubber mounts for the 3-1/2" bays for HDD installations in order to reduce shock.

Click to enlarge.

The LAC-UVT features a motherboard tray, which makes use of standard metal hex standoffs that are included with the package. The tray isn't easily removable, but can be separated from the rest of the chassis by removing 4 screws. Otherwise, the tray does have plenty of holes to install the standoffs for various form factors.

There is a thick acrylic platform, which the power supply rests on for support. Again, mounting an oversized power supply, like our OCZ, is difficult, if not impossible, with a fan mounted to the top of the chassis. A slight modification, moving the cutout for the fan a bit forward, would help resolve this problem.

Click to enlarge.

In order to support add-on cards, SunBeam has included an aluminum back panel, which is secured by screws. Like the steel back panel on the CS888CL, the golden back panel on the LAC-UVT helps hold add-on cards securely to the case and motherboard.

Click to enlarge.

The side panels slide back along rails and are secured to the case by enlarged plastic thumbscrews. One major drawback with the left panel is that when the two 80mm fans are mounted on the inside of that panel, it cannot be removed, or inserted for that matter. SunBeam Technologies' website does not show any of its acrylic cases with fans installed, so consumers may not realize this until it is too late.

SunBeam Technologies LAC-UVT Construction Heat Benchmarks
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  • CrimsonDeath - Wednesday, July 7, 2004 - link

    Cool cases!
    I once dropped mine and it shattered into a million pieces as if it was made from glass!
    So handle with care ppl.
  • artifex - Tuesday, July 6, 2004 - link

    It'd be nice to know what those earlier cases look like now, after a year of use. Did you keep them in the labs for extended testing, and if so, what can you tell us about them? Have they undergone any discoloration, have any cracks started appearing, has heat become an issue over time, causing any warping, etc.?

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