General Windows Performance

Moving to our combined results, we start with general Windows power on/off times. Some of the laptops have less RAM, which can help in the hibernate/resume tests, but most of the newer models now ship with 4GB. We run each test multiple times and take the best result so as to minimize variance.

Windows System Performance

Windows System Performance

Windows System Performance

Windows System Performance

Windows System Performance

Windows System Performance

System Performance - POST

In another ironic twist, the G51J trails the UL80Vt in virtually every test. You'd think with a substantially slower CPU that the G51J would easily take the lead, but that's not the case. Boot time in particular is very slow on the G51J, but it beats out the high-end competition in most of the other results. What we'd really like is to see better POST times; why is it that the UL80Vt can POST in five seconds but the G51J requires more than twice as long? Clearly companies are spending more time optimizing boot times on netbooks and thin and light designs than on larger notebooks.

ASUS G51J Battery Life Power Requirements
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  • whatthehey - Tuesday, December 15, 2009 - link

    Thanks for that; now go blow more smoke up Jobs' arse and leave the real discussion to people that can think.

    Calling this a cheapo Asus to try and make you Mac look better is pathetic. What makes it cheap, other than a plastic body? Most laptops are plastic shells, and this is still $40 less than the plastic MacBook while offering superior battery life and gaming performance. Plus I wouldn't have to put up with OS X and its quirks. Anand may love that stuff but I'd just as soon stick with Windows. No contest over glorified Apple.
  • KutterMax - Tuesday, December 15, 2009 - link

    Congratz to ASUS for the UL80Vt which looks to be a very nice portable machine that still has some pretty reasonable gaming performance coupled with great battery life.

    ASUS has made some great computers. I picked up a "Lamborghini" a few years back and still really like it. However the very short battery life and heft did not make it the best travel companion.

    I recently picked up a new Sony Z-series with a 2.8GHz processer, a couple extended batteries, and built-in Bluray. Granted it wasn't cheap, but the laptop is pretty slick. Sony allow put a great display on it and Blurays look outstanding. Importantly - it plays Torchlight great...
  • Basilisk - Tuesday, December 15, 2009 - link

    "... if you're talking a difference of 10W to 14W, that's a 40% increase in power requirements - or 40% less battery life."

    I believe the correct statement is "29% less run-time":
    RT = Wh / w ; RT reduction = 100% * (1-10w/14w) = 28.6%

    By analogy, your metrics would suggest a 100% loss in run time (= zero time) if the draw was 20 watts, whereas its actually a 50% reduction.
  • JarredWalton - Tuesday, December 15, 2009 - link

    Sorry... was being lazy when I wrote that. It would mean the lower power gets 40% more battery life, but as you point out the higher power draw is 29% less battery life.
  • Wolfpup - Tuesday, December 15, 2009 - link

    Notebookreview's forums have reported major stability issues with that specific model:">

    That's really uncommon for Asus laptops, but seems to be the norm for this model, so...I take it the review unit didn't have those issues?

    I run Folding @ Home on both my CPU and GPU when I'm not gaming or watching Blu Rays, so one way or another my hardware's always getting hit hard...need it to be 100% stable.

    Also, regarding Vista or 7 losing power settings, I've never had that happen, though I always use "always on" and always do a clean install of the OS (I wasn't running much Asus software on my N80nv on Vista, and didn't install any under 7).
  • JarredWalton - Tuesday, December 15, 2009 - link

    I didn't have any stability issues with the G51J during testing. That said, I highly caution against running Folding@Home (SMP or GPU) on a laptop. I used to do that and found that it seemed to cause serious problems after 6 months or so... that it just pushed the hardware beyond where it was intended. I sometimes wonder if all the "failing NVIDIA mobile GPUs" isn't somehow related to a lot of people running such apps, but that's probably oversimplified.

    In short, while I respect what the Folding teams are doing, I've determined that intentionally stressing hardware is a good way to make it fail sooner rather than later -- even if the hardware was once "100% stable". The benefit to me personally doesn't outweigh the cost... and if you're running a "folding farm" with desktops, your costs can very easily scale into the realm of $100+ per month for power, let alone hardware. :|
  • Wolfpup - Tuesday, December 15, 2009 - link

    Thanks for the info! Glad to hear it was stable.

    I guess my N80 is a guiness pig for Folding then. If it does fail, that'll force me to upgrade :-D
  • Glock24 - Tuesday, December 15, 2009 - link

    I'm currently frustrated because I want to buy a new laptop, but it seems every manufacturer only ordered 1366x768 screens, be it for 12", 14", 15.6", or even 16" or 17" laptops.

    I was seriously considering an Asus N81Vp, and the only screen available is.... you guessed it, 1366x768. My current laptop, an Asus F8Va has a 14.1" 1440x900 screen, so you may understand my disappointment.

    I think manufacturers are trying to squeeze every penny they can putting those cheap 16:9 screens on every laptop. They do not realize we, the consumers, also use our laptops to work and not just to watch movies.

    1366x768 is ok for a netbook, not for a real laptop.
  • strikeback03 - Tuesday, December 15, 2009 - link

    Seriously. The UL50 (15.6" version) sounds like a laptop I would consider, but not with anything less than a 1680x1050 screen and a decent contrast ratio.

    On a side note, has anyone had trouble with Win7 blanking their screen but not actually turning it off? On both my desktop and laptop after the "turn screen off after" time has elapsed, the screen will flick off then back on, and stay on but blank. Any way to fix this?
  • yacoub - Tuesday, December 15, 2009 - link

    Looking forward to a review of the new ASUS EeePC Seashell 1201N-PU17-BK. That's an interesting one - dual-core, ION, 12" display, etc.

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