Translation Apps on the iPhone: A Match Made in Heaven

Coolgorilla has a handful of free basic phrasebooks for the iPhone, available in French, German, Italian and Spanish. Simply select the english phrase you wish to speak, hit the speaker icon and your iPhone will do the talking for you.

It’s missing a lot of phrases but you can tell people that you have Diarrhea in four languages, not bad for a free application. You’re looking at the beginnings of a universal translator here folks. Fast forward several years when we have significantly more processing power in these things and we should be able to at least have real time cross-language text-to-voice translation.

There are many more translation apps available for the iPhone, but Coolgorilla’s free ones are good examples of what is possible here.

The AIM Application A silly and a useful App
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  • sprockkets - Wednesday, July 16, 2008 - link

    Yeah, T-Mobile has better coverage than At&t? WTH? Just look at their maps. Do they even have 3G yet?

    Well, I guess I can trust Anand's experience. But, at least I can take my SIM card out and use my own phone. I guess you can just call Verizon and do the same thing, but with the majority being GSM, there is less of a selection for CDMA.

    And of course, Apple is predictable as ever. They advertise every night the iphone on The Daily Show.
  • cocoviper - Thursday, July 17, 2008 - link

    I think as the US and Europe reaches saturation CDMA will become much more competitive. It's what China and Brazil's network are built on, and given the next 10-15 years there will most likely be more cell phone growth and eventually more users there.
  • brzgeek - Wednesday, July 23, 2008 - link

    CDMA in Brazil??!! I'm Brazilian, and the last company that was a CDMA holdout (Vivo) gave up that particular battle and switched to GSM about a couple of years ago. Nowadays there isn't a single company selling CDMA phones in Brazil any more (though Vivo still supports CDMA due to its pre-GSM users who haven't switched phones). I suggest you check your sources, they seem to be seriously outdated.
  • NA1NSXR - Thursday, July 17, 2008 - link

    You're kidding right? I just spent a year in China and it is a nearly 100% GSM country. I don't even know where you get off saying China is CDMA so matter-of-factly.
  • tayhimself - Wednesday, July 16, 2008 - link

    Hmm... this is a great suggestion Anand. Have a yearly charge for both and somehow integrate them too.

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