Temperatures (Ambient 25-50°C)

With our hot ambient temperatures we want to see what the power supplies can really take. We increase the temperature as the graph indicates. At 50°C we have a hotter environment than that used to rate any of the power supplies we test. Most of them will show their first weakness with falling voltages. It will be also more difficult to dissipate all the produced heat from inside. Therefore we monitor the heatsink temperatures, fan speed, and noise to compare all of the results.

All three heatsinks show a good ability to dissipate heat as the exhausted air temperatures are increasing throughout the test. This is very good for the components attached to the heatsinks. As we mentioned before we do feel that the components on the PCB will not get much of the desired airflow and therefore will be hotter; however, we didn't have any temperature diodes attached to other components to prove our theory.

Temperatures (Ambient 25°C) Acoustics and Fan Speed (Ambient 25°C)
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  • mostlyprudent - Tuesday, July 24, 2007 - link

    Read the test methodology article.
  • neogodless - Tuesday, July 24, 2007 - link

    Did you find any issues with the modular design? Obviously the efficiency was good. Could anything else have been affected by the additional connection point?
  • Christoph Katzer - Tuesday, July 24, 2007 - link

    I am in the midle of testing that with other models. I will write something which will bring light in this in matter...

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