Lian Li PC-60Plus

by Purav Sanghani on February 26, 2005 12:00 PM EST

Motherboard Tray

The motherboard tray is almost identical to that in the PC-6070 as well as many other models similar to the PC-60 Plus in that the tray and back panel of the case are a single piece. It can be removed by pulling it out through the back of the case. It is secured to the PC-60 Plus by four thumbscrews on the back panel and can also be locked to the case as we mentioned before.

Unlike the PC-6070, however, the PC-60 Plus’ tray uses screw-on stand-offs instead of the snap-on type. By “snap-on”, we mean that the stand-offs can be installed on the tray by clipping them into the rectangular slots cut out on the tray. We actually feel that it is better to have the screw-on stand-offs because they just seem more stable than the snap-on type.

Case Construction The Installation Process
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  • cHodAXUK - Saturday, February 26, 2005 - link

    Something that doesn't look like a Morphy Richards chrome toaster, sadly half of the Lian Li product line is afflicted with dreary looks. It looks like a silver box and looks no different than cases that have been sold for the last 20 years, infact it looks almost exactly like an old case that Brother used to use on their 386 line back in 1988 apart from the Aluminium finish. Plain can be good but Lian Li do plain almost to point of generic. Construction wise the case is first class, no complaints there at all.
  • ProviaFan - Saturday, February 26, 2005 - link

    So what's your idea of a non-ugly case, #10? Something that has a huge-ass window in the side, with spinning blinkenlichten in all of the fans, and some god-awful combination of colors in the huge other-worldly logo?
  • danidentity - Saturday, February 26, 2005 - link

    Will that CPU duct interfere with larger heatsinks like the Thermalright XP-120?
  • cHodAXUK - Saturday, February 26, 2005 - link

    F'ugly case, always has been and always will be.
  • WW2Planes1 - Saturday, February 26, 2005 - link

    Nice case definately. I actually prefer the older layout for the most part though. I would like to see the newer front connector though, and the screw in standoffs.

    Incedentally, I've got a PC-65B (Same layout as the PC-60, for the most part), and didn't the original PC-60s have dual 80mm fans? not 60mm?
  • ProviaFan - Saturday, February 26, 2005 - link

    I have an older kind of PC-60 (from looking at pictures, it seems these things went through several revisions at least - mine has the front fan speed control switch actually sticking through, while from some pictures it seems that this switch was behind the bezel), which has two 80mm fans up front.

    Anyway, the review was good, and if I were doing it over today, I would get the new version instead. However, there's not much point in "upgrading," IMHO.
  • pbrain - Saturday, February 26, 2005 - link

    While I don't know if at some point they used 60mm, the PC-60 I have uses 2x 80mm fans.
  • Da3dalus - Saturday, February 26, 2005 - link

    I'm buying a PC-6070 when they get back in stock here (next week hopefully). It's more ezpensive than this one, but it has sound-dampening (big reason for choosing it, my comp is a bit too noisy now) and looks nicer :)
  • mattsaccount - Saturday, February 26, 2005 - link

    The message is clear: Lian Li makes great cases :)
  • Bonesdad - Saturday, February 26, 2005 - link

    Nice features inside...a bit dull looking on the outside. MUCH better than those silly little boy cases reviewed in the past.

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