Noise Benchmarks

We used an SPL meter with a sensitivity of down to 30 dB in A-weighted mode to measure noise levels. While it may not be the most realistic placement for the meter, measurements were taken at a distance of 12 inches. Some of the units were quiet enough that the sensitivity of our SPL device would come into play if we placed it at a more appropriate range of one meter. Noise tests were also taken with and without the X800 Pro installed; integrated graphics were used if available, or an add-in MX440 card was used where integrated graphics weren't available.

The maximum noise level measured is a true "worst case" scenario, and the only time that we measured this level of noise was during the POST sequence when the fans spin at maximum RPM. The minimum noise level is just that, while the stress test measurements were taken while looping 3DMark03 after it had been running for 30 minutes. For tests without the X800 Pro, we omitted the stress test and simply reported the noise level after the computer had been running for 30 minutes. Room temperature was 71 F, so there is the potential for higher noise levels during the summer months.

Please note that decebels are a non-linear measurement. Depending on whom you ask, a 3 dB increase is a doubling of power while a 6 to 10 dB increase represents a doubling of the noise level. You may or may not notice a 3 dB increase, but anything more than 5 dB is perceivable, and 10 or more dB represents a major difference.

Noise Levels (dBA)

Noise Levels (dBA)

Noise Levels (dBA)

Noise Levels (dBA)

The noise levels without a high-end graphics card were mostly off the charts, so you could read that as "less than 30 dB" for most of the units. Under load, they can still be audible, but only barely. If you want a quite computer and you don't need a powerful graphics cards, most SFF systems perform very well.

Gaming Benchmarks Temperature Benchmarks
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  • Midian191 - Tuesday, February 15, 2005 - link

    The latest bios version of the 210P has voltage control and bios control of the fan speed.
  • OrSin - Tuesday, February 15, 2005 - link

    If you want smaller review a mini-itz systems.
    They are pretty weak, but it depends what you want to use them for.

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