Benchmarking - Sound

Though cooling is a major factor in choosing a good case, noise levels also effect the overall quality of the product. We tested the noise level of the TJ05 about 12" from the sealed case with the power supply, VGA, and CPU fans turned off to reproduce the noise of the case alone. Since the test bed power supply, VGA, and CPU heatsink fan were turned off, we were able to compare the TJ05 to the results of previous cases that we have tested.

Sound Benchmarks

Having dual 120mm fans, we expected the TJ05 to produce less noise than any of the cases on the board with 80mm fans. It did, however, only match the numbers of the last couple cases; the Enermax Sea Hawk came with only 1 fan (we installed one of our own to help equalize the playing field), and the Chenbro Xpider II came with a combination of a 120mm and a 80mm fan.

We assumed that the larger size aided in producing a much louder sound, since it had much more room to resonate.

Benchmarking - Thermal Final Thought
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  • ProviaFan - Wednesday, August 25, 2004 - link

    "Though steel is a much cheaper alternative and would save money both to SilverStone and, in the end, its customers, we still believe that an entirely steel chassis would have appealed more to the masses."

    The way that sentence is worded makes it very confusing.
  • shinerburke - Wednesday, August 25, 2004 - link

    looks nice....too bad I refuse to buy cases with the brand name on them.

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