Final Thought

The X-Mask is an average chassis with the usual features that we have found in many other mid-level cases. It performed at par with the NZXT Guardian and the Ahanix Black Knight in both the temperature tests as well as the noise tests. We did, however, enjoy the ability for greater expansion when it came to drives. It's not rare to see cases nowadays with more room to add, since storage is becoming more important to consumers.

As for the price tag, we have seen many other cases with solid features like tool-less/screw-less designs and removable motherboard trays in a far better price range than the X-Mask. At around $70 retail, it seems a bit much for the X-Mask compared to those steel enclosures in the $40-$50 range, but then again, Super Flower does include a 350W power supply.

If you like a clean-looking case with features like a tool-less design and top performance as far as cooling and sound goes, the X-Mask may not be the right choice. On the other hand, if you enjoy the Spiderman theme and plenty of storage space, not to mention an included power supply, then look no further.

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  • Gromis - Friday, May 21, 2004 - link

    Have to agree with #2 here, enough with the crap-ass, ugly, expensive, NOISY cases. Bring some publicity to actually functional offerings - take CompuCase LX-6A19 for example, or one of it's many clones such as Antec SLK3700AMB. I mean, who in their right mind would put a system with 5 80mm case fans in addition to CPU, GPU and PSU fans on their desk? The only case I can think of, is someone completely stone deaf, and therefore unconcerned about the roar all the fans are making.
  • CitizenKain - Friday, May 21, 2004 - link

    Yikes, I wouldn't wish that case on my worst enemy. That Raidmax you linked to is almost as bad. Sticking a bunch of plastic on an Antec 1000 series doesn't make a attractive case.
  • jrphoenix - Friday, May 21, 2004 - link


    Good review, very thorough! I wouldn't buy this case (not my favorite design) but, good reveiw none the less.

    Keep reviewing the pre-mod cases... the comments from those above make me laugh :) So "affected" because they aren't seeing their desired beige or silver box (and I do mean "box").

    If you are taking requests for reviews.... I would like to see another review of an Opus Technologies case:

    The terminator has a very unique cooling design that I would like to hear more about (the last Opus case looked solid)


    Silver color :) This case was originally designed almost identical to the Alienware case before they were sued (you can still see the shape of the alienware under the moldings). Supposedly directron is going to be selling the case for $150+ (I want to know why so much, what's so special).

    Good job!
  • araczynski - Friday, May 21, 2004 - link

    I agree that its not something for me either, but I think only becuase the spider design looks too 'analog', i think if it was a big rougher around the edges, perhaps more mechanized in appearance, little meaner, perhaps even tribal, in general the look most modders seem to strive for today, then it would have looked more appealing, but as it stands it seems more childish then anything, but hey, if you're a spiderman fan, i'm sure you're drooling, so who knows.
  • Phiro - Friday, May 21, 2004 - link

    OK, even I agree it's not that great.

    The "placement" of the HD led irritates me - it indicates some jackass marketing flack took a normal case and said "hey let's put a spider-esque print on the front, snap in a custom light and call it a spiderman case!
  • Novaoblivion - Friday, May 21, 2004 - link

    All I can say is that is the uglyest case ever.
  • nastyemu25 - Friday, May 21, 2004 - link


    if someone i knew had this case i'd push them over and stomp on their throat
  • Gunbuster - Friday, May 21, 2004 - link

    The "mask" looks more like Strongbad than Spider Man
  • Pollock - Friday, May 21, 2004 - link

    Who would honestly base a case on Spiderman?
  • Operandi - Friday, May 21, 2004 - link


    IDK, that guardian thing they reviewed awhile back gives it a run for its money.

    Seriously though, enough with the sh!ty cases already. I think I speak on behalf of everyone when I say nobody wants to read reviews on cases like that.

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