DDR433 Test Results

DDR400 Test Results DDR500 Test Results
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  • thatsright - Friday, October 31, 2003 - link

    I am extremely skeptical of ALL online/print reviews of any of OCZ's RAM. There have been several verified reports of 'Hand Picked' RAM that was cherry picked just for reviewers. And if you read the Customer Comments on NewEgg.com for buyers of OCZ high end ram, many would like to know why their ram is crapping out at lower timings than what is reviewed here.

    I look at all glowing, 'can't find anything wrong,' 'its the BEST' type reviews as a sham. Sure some will say I don't know what I'm talking about, but I have heard many outraged buyers out their who can't get anywhere with their retail bought RAM sticks, unlike the reviewers who can take it to the hilt with their Evaluation samples. I wonder how AT would do if they had to go out and actually PAY for a review sample. Heaven forbid!

    Heres something to read, to get an idea of what I'm rambling on about. http://news.designtechnica.com/talkback28.html

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