Socket-939: Athlon 64 FX DOA?

As we've already mentioned, AMD is planning on releasing a 939-pin version of the Athlon 64 FX sometime next year. We're hearing rumors that it will be very early next year, which would leave early FX adopters in a not-so-great situation.

Unlike previous situations where a chip manufacturer has switched sockets, the 940 situation won't leave users completely abandoned as the Opteron uses the same socket and thus you can always upgrade your CPU or motherboard to an Opteron down the road. AMD is planning on making 940-pin CPUs for a while so that shouldn't be a big problem, the only issue will be that the number of performance enthusiast boards available in a 940-pin version will eventually decrease over time; the boards you find for Opterons will obviously not be made with the enthusiast in mind.

The Socket-939 Athlon 64 FX will most likely have unbuffered memory support from the start (it doesn't make sense for AMD not to offer the support as they're redoing the package anyways, unless they simply chop off a pin with this part) and will be shipping at higher initial clock speeds than the current FX, so it makes sense to wait.

Combine the launch of a 939-pin version with the outstanding performance of the Athlon 64 and you will see why we are fairly negative on the FX at this point in time. If you want our advice, stay away from the FX for now.

Sigh, the Athlon 64 FX Motherboard Support Powered by NVIDIA & VIA
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  • AgaBooga - Tuesday, September 23, 2003 - link

    Where is the P4EE in the memory tests?
  • Anonymous User - Tuesday, September 23, 2003 - link

    Personally this was rather anti-climatic for me. It's certainly not a Intel killer that all the hype proclaimed. AMD for business, Intel for content, and a throwup for gaming. Same as it has been for awhile.
  • Anonymous User - Tuesday, September 23, 2003 - link

    #27 & #28 (amd fanboy double post)

    It SHOULD be up there with the P4EE because the PRESCOTT will be coming right around the corner! Face it, AMD did not put out a killer and Intel is sitting pretty in 2004.
  • Anonymous User - Tuesday, September 23, 2003 - link

    #20 are you serious? Did you just comment in the forum without looking at the review or did you actually look at the review. AMD is not "lagging" behind Intel. They are right up there with them. Look at the benchmarks and you will see the CURRENTLY AVAILABLE Athlon64 easily matches a NOT CURRENTLY AVAILABLE P4EE.
  • Anonymous User - Tuesday, September 23, 2003 - link

    #20 are you serious? Did you just comment in the forum without looking at the review or did you actually look at the review. AMD is not "lagging" behind Intel. They are right up there with them. Look at the benchmarks and you will see the CURRENTLY AVAILABLE Athlon64 easily matches a NOT CURRENTLY AVAILABLE P4EE.
  • Anonymous User - Tuesday, September 23, 2003 - link

    AMD, Pamela Anderson called. She want's to know how she can get a bust as big as yours. I have two words for AMD- "Segway" and "Scooter."
  • Anonymous User - Tuesday, September 23, 2003 - link

    nForce3 performance bug

    Time to re-do the benchmarks, Anand.

    Your FX-51 benchmarks are inaccurate.

    Nvidia: NForce-3 Bug

    The extremely low AGP performance of the NForce3 can be clearly attributed to problems with the HyperTransport channel interface to the Northbridge. That is proven by the benchmark results and the performance differences of up to 33.2 percent. Details about this can be found in the benchmark section of this article.

    Originally, Nvidia had planned to also integrate a SATA RAID controller in the Southbridge. Although the controller is included in the current NForce 3, Nvidia deactivated this feature. The reason was that error-free operation was not possible. For this reason, we decided to use additional boards based on the VIA K8T800 chipset.

    Nvidia (Athlon 64 FX, or alternatively GeForce FX - related names) may be a more high-profile partner for AMD than VIA. However, we would point out that VIA, with the K8T800 chipset, currently offers a clearly better solution for the Athlon 64.

  • Anonymous User - Tuesday, September 23, 2003 - link

    What is that smell?

    AMD just let loose with a huge turd!
  • Anonymous User - Tuesday, September 23, 2003 - link

    #4 You may be right (I don't think so but let say you are), but then ask yourself - where is the Pentium 4 Extreme Edition? There is no mention of this CPU at Intel web site at all, there is no datasheet and no batch numbers. Today, it is only a prototype CPU, such as Prescott is. They managed to build few Gallatin B1 cores that are able to work at this frequency and then remarked them. This CPU is not reality, only OEMs can buy it in very limited quantities, but end users can't. I think a 3 GHz Athlon 64 FX on 90nm prototype would perform far the best in this review... and it would be the same policy as with this Pentium 4 Extreme Edition.
  • Anonymous User - Tuesday, September 23, 2003 - link

    #17 Answers:

    1. Athlon 64's memory controller is very fast as you can see from the benchmarks. Dual channel is only needed in some situations to give decent performance. HT operates at 800 MHz with DDR and 16 bits, thus giving 3.2 GB/s each way (6.4 GB/s). Not so bad for a I/O and AGP interface only bus

    3. S754 is a lower end platform while S940 is an Opteron platform. AMD will introduce S939 early next year and will continue to produce CPUs for all those sockets. S940 A64 FX will, however, disapper in the end of next year.

    6. HyperTransport "Tunnel" system allows for practically unlimited number of chipset combinations, thus a PCI Express will only require to add another Tunnel or integrate it into current chipsets.

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