The New Chips

Microsoft never released die sizes for the Xbox's chips so we had to break out the trusty ruler and measure both the old and new chips, to get an idea of how things have changed. The table below shows our findings:

 Chip Old Die Size New Die Size % of Old Die
CPU 176 mm^2 133 mm ^2 75.5%
GPU 182 mm^2 156 mm^2 85.7%
eDRAM 80 mm^2 68 mm^2 85%


Here's what's interesting: the CPU, GPU and eDRAM die all seem to have gotten smaller, but at different rates. The CPU sees the biggest reduction in size, the new core being about 75% the size of the old one, while both GPU components are around 85% the size of their predecessors.

The old CPU


The new CPU

The old GPU

The new GPU

It's possible that all three chips are now 65nm, or a mixture of 65nm and 80nm (TSMC's 80nm half-node process was used in ATI's R600 GPU). Needless to say, the chips are all smaller, which should yield some nice power savings.

Hardware Changes Cutting Power
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  • TheLoneWulf - Saturday, June 7, 2008 - link

    Remember that if/when you get your RROD, when you send it back, most likely, you will receive a Falcon board, if not the newest "Jasper" board, when that comes out. Although you will have to wait for it, it will be worth it!
  • iwannaplaycs - Sunday, December 23, 2007 - link

    Bought a Xbox Premium (Holiday bundle) from FutureShop in Toronto.

    Lot: 0642
    Team: JREY

    MFR Date: Oct 17 2006!!!!!

    This sucks. :(
  • Yan - Saturday, December 22, 2007 - link

    I just bought a premium unit in holiday bundle
    at futureshop, I verified the Lot # was above 738, mine is
    lot number 740 and the MFR Date is october 8th, 2007

    I was disapointed to see the infamous heat pipe through the holes
    after I open the box
  • Yan - Saturday, December 22, 2007 - link

    Also, TEAM : CSON
  • Yan - Saturday, December 22, 2007 - link

    Also, TEAM : CSON
  • weenis1 - Friday, December 21, 2007 - link

    Anyone know what Lot Numbers for the Elite console have the Falcon mobo? Thanks.
  • Jasmine64 - Saturday, December 8, 2007 - link

    The box having a bar code sticker showing 175W instead of 203W may be a better indicator of getting the Falcon MB...
    I know Anand's box shows 203W but I purchased LOT NO: 0741, TEAM: FDOU, 203W, manufactured on Oct 11, 2007 and it is a Zepher.

    A co-worker has LOT NO: 0742, TEAM FDOU, 175W and it is a FALCON!
  • confesstoadmit - Saturday, December 8, 2007 - link

    Hey guys, just walked into my local GAME store and purchased a 360 pro package :) BUT unfortunatley it turned out to be a zephyr model..

    LOT : 0737
    Manufature Date : 22/9/2007

    (unfortunatley only because from what i've heard the FALCON model is alot better)

    Anyway :) i was wondering what are my chances of getting the RROD on the zephyr model, i mean it does have the improved heatsink and that weird pipe :P (yeh i'm new to xbox lol)

  • MrEastSide - Saturday, December 1, 2007 - link

    Just thought I'd register and pop in to add some more info to this topic. I just got a new 360 (Old one crapped). After inspecting it and following the information and pictures on here I can confirm mine is a Falcon.

    It is from Team CSON - Lot number 742, manufacture date 10-21-2007, and it's the premium that comes packed with Forza and Marvel.
  • mjcuk - Friday, November 23, 2007 - link

    If anyone wants to know if they've got a Falcon chipset, I've come up with an easier method. If you keep the Xbox 360 horizontal, and locate the the narrow ventilation grille above the cover of the USB ports at the far end, you can determine what you've got. Firstly, shine a torch in the ventilation grille, where the Microsoft insignia is. Locate the two capacitors positioned alongside each other, and then run the torch slowly to the middle of the narrow vent and locate the centre capacitor. Just to its right, if you see an unfilled circular white marking on the motherboard (where an inductor should be), then that means you've got a Falcon. ;-)

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